Basic 1 Videos

Basic 1 videos in order of sequence to learn next

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[stextbox id=”custom” caption=”Designate Heads, Sides (1,2,3,4), Circle Left/Right, Do Sa Do, Forward & Back, Swing, Promenade, Promenade 1/2, Single File Promenade” collapsing=”true” collapsed=”true”]


[stextbox id=”custom” caption=”Allemande Left, Right Hand Turn (Turn Thru), Right & Left Grand, Weave the Ring, Star Left/Right” collapsing=”true” collapsed=”true”]


[stextbox id=”custom” caption=”Pass Thru, U Turn Back, California Twirl, Partner Trade, Star Promenade” collapsing=”true” collapsed=”true”]


[stextbox id=”custom” caption=”Promenade, Full 3/4, Grand Square, Half Sashay, Roll Away with a Half Sashay, Ladies In, Men Sashay” collapsing=”true” collapsed=”true”]


[stextbox id=”custom” caption=”Right & Left Thru, Courtesy Turn, Box the Gnat, Wrong Way Grand, Ladies Chain (Heads, Sides, 3/4, All)” collapsing=”true” collapsed=”true”]


[stextbox id=”custom” caption=”Back Track, Lead Right, Circle to a Line, Bend the Line, All Around your Left Hand Lady, See Saw” collapsing=”true” collapsed=”true”]


[stextbox id=”custom” caption=”Square Thru (2,3,4), Wheel Around, Star Thru, Slide Thru” collapsing=”true” collapsed=”true”]


[stextbox id=”custom” caption=”Veer Left/Right, Wheel & Deal (Two Faced Line), Ladies/Gents Promenade” collapsing=”true” collapsed=”true”]


[stextbox id=”custom” caption=”Ocean Wave, Swing Thru, Run (Boys, Girls, Centers, Ends), Pass the Ocean, Trades (Boys, Girls, Ends, Centers), Dive Thru, Extend” collapsing=”true” collapsed=”true”]
