Touch, Experience It!

Touch, Experience It!

By Dave Brown

I am always fascinated by people when I ask for them to try Square Dancing. Different reactions can be expected, but rarely, when given a date and time, do I hear, モI’ll be there for class!ヤ It really seems to be a difficult process to bring new people into our activity.

Without, what I call the モtouch componentヤ or physical experience, recruitment needs to be a gradual exposure over time. The concept is known as モGet to know, Like and Trust.ヤ It is human nature to resist change. To only do what was always done before. When exposed to the idea enough, only then will the prospect move forward with action. This can be acted upon through social media or wearing your Square Dance clothes into any establishment, or after party at your local restaurant. People need to see (many times) that there are モa lot of peopleヤ involved in the activity to the point of being common. Many times I hear comments as to our Square Dance outfits or モwhere’s the dance?ヤ Maybe we should just throw on some Square Dance clothes and go out for dinner… just thinking out-loud.

The nature of most people is to モSit on the fenceヤ, wait and see if someone else does something, and if enough people do it without repercussions, then it must be モOKヤ. モLet Mikey take the first bite.ヤ If we are out in public enough with Square Dance attire, people might assume that there is a Square Dance somewhere and that they might be feeling left out. Think about it guys and gals.

Now the touch component.

I learned a long time ago, that if I didn’t “experience it by touching or acting on the activity”, I would never know what was reality verses what my mind was thinking it might be. I base this statement on past life experiences. The phrase “Don’t judge another man until you walk in his shoes.” begins to take on new meaning when you actually モdoヤ or モtouchヤ the activity as the other man did.

Let’s take the previous statement and reflect on it.

Up until the point of actually experiencing the activity, you have only information that is stored away in your memories of the possibilities of what you are about to experience. You might even be a little apprehensive because touch will be involved. It will be a brand new touch experience. The “real deal” as it were. (I followed that, did you?)

The touch component is missing until you actually, “Do It!” That component is the “real feel experience”. “Tactile or Touch”. You could read, watch someone else in their experience, or hear about an experience from a friend. Until you actually involve your mind and body simultaneously with the physical “Touch” component, the only conclusion that you could have had was from the previous “Non Touch” information.

Now let’s apply it to Square Dancing.

Many people grow up with other dance experiences. That’s ok. It seems that Square Dancing is one of those activities that people actually like to watch, in wonder, as the demo square completes their moves, synchronously one move after another, caller with dancers. モIt looks so hard!ヤ is a normal comment as the activity is stored away in their subconscious as モTo Hard for me, but coolヤ.

Ok, now how do we recruit that person?

I have found that the best place to recruit is at a demo as we show our stuff in front of an audience of potential Square Dance prospects! The trick is to bring in bystanders and teach just enough to let them know that they can actually do it. The caller should agree with the demo group, a secret key phrase, like, モExplode the Square!ヤ This tells the dancers to go out into the audience and bring in one new person as a partner. One square begets two. Two squares turns into Four. Etc. Each newbie has an experienced dancer to help make positive results and success as a rule for the newbie. In almost every case after the set, that I have done this, there are several new people with their eyes opened up to the possibilities of learning the hobby even asking where they can leaTouch, Experience it3rn.

I have found that from the audience of watchers, we never seem to recruit anyone. But… if we can get people to experience even just a little, touch sells the activity.

Put together some demos.

This gives new meaning to モReach out and Touch Someone!ヤ

NEW DANCER’S HANDBOOK for Square Dancing – Text Format

Callers Association of Modesto Area

Click Here to View Original Book from CAMA



DO’s and DON”TS

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This booklet is produced in an effort to help those new to square dancing to learn about the “Code of Ethics,” one’s attitude toward square dancing, some of the “does and don’ts in square dancing, some “Ground Rules,” some “Guidelines” to better enjoy the activity, introduction to “New Dancer Hoedowns” and a list of calls thru Mainstream. If you read the booklet and find it helpful and informative, then the purpose of the Callers Association of the Modesto Area (CAMA) has been met.

The object in square dancing is to enjoy an evening of friendship set to music The object in taking Square Dancing lesions is to become proficient enough to dance at the level that is danced at the various clubs’ workshops and Saturday dances.

In order to help you attain this goal, the following is recommended:

1. NEVER MISS A CLASS, unless it is absolutely necessary. Unfortunately, one must almost dedicate himself/herself to about one year of weekly lessons.

2. STUDY THE BASIC HANDBOOK, which is available from your caller. Also there is a VCR film produced by Gold Star Productions that you might want to view the various calls.

3. ASK FOR HELP, if you don’t understand a call. Remember the caller/instructor and all the other dancers are there to help you in every way possible.

DANCER HOEDOWNS. Lessons are where YOU learn the calls. Hoedowns are where you learn to react to the calls through practice.

REMEMBER, you will not learn at a steady pace. When it seems extra hard and you get frustrated, keep trying. All the club members are interested in helping you learn to Square Dance. Sometimes we will gently guide you in the right direction, if you go wrong . Keep in mind that we are only trying to help.

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1. COURTESY – As a Square Dancer, I will respect other dancers and callers and treat everyone with courtesy.

2. FRIENDSHIP – I will go beyond the limits to be friendly because those who participate in this activity with me are all my friends.

3. LOYALTY – I will support my own club in all activities because it means the continuance of Square Dancing depends on my personal loyalty.

4. CLEANLINESS – I do not wish to offend anyone. I am very particular of my personal habits, breath as well as body.

5. ABSTINENCE – Many Square Dancers are held in public facilities where alcohol is forbidden and their continued availability is dependent upon a favorable public image of Square Dancers . The cooperation of dancers required for following the calls is impaired by drinking and close contact in a square with those who has consumed alcoholic beverages may be offensive. Therefore, I recognize the validity of the efforts to maintain a separation of Square Dancing from drinking, and will refrain from its use before and during the dances that I attend.

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“If Square Dancing offered nothing more than physical exercise set to music, the values of participation would be limited. Actually the physical act of Square Dancing, like the folk dances of all nations, is the body within which, the spirit lives, and that spirit is expressive of the people who founded it. Square Dancing is an important social event. The people come because they need each other. They need the encouragement of their neighbors as  well as the relaxation and escape, for a time, from the problems of existence. They dance; they visit; they feast. Hospitality, consideration, kindness, patience, cooperation and good fellowship blend into the spirit of their dancing.”

Author unknown

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Square Dancing is and must always; remain a “FUN” activity that blends people of all professions, personalities, skills and levels of experience into one common recreation pursuit. There is no place for a person whom by nature can’t tolerate “goofs” and slower responses. Be patient, laugh off mixups, and appreciate that you had to learn too. In fact, you may be the next to “goof”.

Be patient and tolerant, laugh together and differences will eventually be swallowed up in your dance , fun and enthusiasm. The GOLDEN RULE should always apply at your club

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1. THOU SHALT – greet thy caller and learn the power of concentration by silently repeating his call as your success depends upon his words.

2. THOU SHALT – wear badges, be friendly and exchange greetings lest thee be labeled a snob and unworthy of the title Square Dancer.

3. THOU SHALT – remain silent while the caller gives advice and instruction. You might receive the ire of the caller as he knows the other seven in your square don’t know what he is teaching.


Anticipate nor dance ahead of the caller for he possesses the ability to foul you up and make you look foolish to those you dance with .

5. THOU SHALT NOT – ridicule those dancers who have two left hands or feet but do everything in your power to help them distinguish one from the other.

6. THOU SHALT – try always to dance in ” different sets so you can share your personality and experience with all.

7 . THOU SHALT NOT – moan and belittle the caller when you have goofed and save the arguing until after the tip. A set that breaks down doesn’t stand, they usually get into lines and restart when the active sets are in lines or they square up.

8. THOU SHALT – bathe diligently before going to a dance and use deodorants as many pass under our arms.

9. THOU SHALT NOT – partake of strong drink before nor during a dance lest thy mind become befuddled and you end up being criticized by all you dance with.

10. THOU SHALT – be an active part of your class, club or workshop and remember that its success rests upon your shoulders. It is not a sin to as~ for help when you have trials for when you go home confused; you will return confused.


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1. BE A GOOD LISTENER. The caller is like a quarterback. He calls the play~ by. giving you the signals for the ‘movements he wants you to make. Talking or thinking of something else is distracting to you and makes it difficult for others to listen.

2. GET INTO SQUARES QUICKLY. Don’t make the caller and fellow dancers beg you to dance! Do you realize how much time in an evening is spent that could be used for dancing if so much time was not wasted waiting for dancers to ‘square up’?

3. BE A COURTEOUS DANCER. Standard rules of courtesy are always appreciated. Saying “Thank you” to all those in the set with you is a natural reaction.

Be aware of these special courtesies:

a. Its considered bad manners to pass a square in order to fill another square.

b. Even worse, is to leave a square, once you have joined it, until the tip is over.


This speaks for itself. Just one person can prevent a square from “squaring up”.

5. BE A THOUGHTFUL DANCER. Personal cleanliness is important in any activity, especially one where folks exercise vigorously in clear contact with each other. Another rule to remember is – BEFORE SQUARING DANCING, DON’T DRINK.

6. BE A COOPERATIVE DANCER. A square is made up of eight individuals working as a unit with no individual person attempting to show off or be “THE STAR”.

7. TAKE IT EASY. Don’t overdo. If you get tired, sit down. Sometimes you can learn a great deal by watching and listening.

8. BE A FRIENDLY DANCER. You are the host in each square you dance. Get acquainted with others in the square and make it a point to dance with as many different dancers as possible each evening. It has been said that “Square dancing is friendship set to music” .

9. YOU’RE NEVER THROUGH LEARNING. You’ll find there is always something new that you can learn or some part of your dancing that can be improved upon. 10. ENJOY YOURSELF. Have fun. Pleasure is contagious. You’ll be surprised how much your smile will pep up t.he entire square.

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Your club needs your support and there should always be a special pace for the

club where you learned to dance, but you are missing one of the great things about Square Dancing if you only dance with your home club. You are missing the chance to make many friends and denying other dancers the chance to meet you . At the same time, if for some reason, you are not happy in the club you are with, don’t stop dancing. Find a club you can be happy in.


During your lessons you have tuned yo ear to the caller who taught you, and you will have a special place for him/her, too. Every caller has a different style and that’s all part 0 the fun. Decide for yourself which callers you enjoy, but try them all . You might miss a good one.


The tendency is for the newer dancer who is a little unsure of his/her proficiency to want to hide in back where he/she thinks the caller can’t (wont see their square break down. If all the newer dancers dance in the back, you are only dancing with each other and your square is more apt to break down. If there is going to be a sound problem, it will be in the back where the sound travel through all the people dancing in front. The crowd noises also makes it harder to hear. Obviously everyone can’t dance in front, but don’t be afraid to take your turn.


This goes hand in hand with dancing in the back of the hall. If all four couples in your square are new dancers and a little slow to react to calls, your square will break down. Sometimes an out-reached hand from a more experienced dancer is all that your square needs to keep going. Everyone dancing today was a new dancer at one time and can remember how it felt. They will be happy to dance with you. NOW BE AWARE you may run into the “old grouch”. If they make some unfavorable remark don’t let them dis-courage. Remember there are 100 others that know the ethics of square dancing.

5. TOUCH HANDS WITH EVERY MOVE (on both sides)


This is possibly the most important hint. You have all this new information jammed into you head and the only way to make it “second nature” is to practice, practice, practice. If your club shuts down for the summer, find another club that are still dancing.

Most of the new dancers graduate as Mainstream dancers and should have received a list of all the calls. Included in this level. But before you graduate there will be New Dancer Hoedowns given by different clubs. Look for dances that are advertised at the level that you are dancing. DO NOT GO TO DANCES/HOEDOWNS EXPECTING OR HOPING THAT SOMEONE WILL “PULL” YOU THROUGH. Do not be afraid to ask the caller to explain a move or call at a dance if you are having troubles. Many dancers can explain a call, but they may tell you wrong. The best thing is to ask the caller. Callers started out as new dancers, too!!


There are several levels of Square Dancing. The level you dance has nothing to do with how good a dancer you are no matter what some will insinuate. It has to do with how much time you have had to devote to the hobby. You may choose to move to another level and that’s fine. Don’t make the choice at all until you have danced Mainstream for at least one full year after graduation even if your caller has or is teaching Plus. Don’t let anyone rush you.


Square Dancing is for fun. The odds a fairly good that someone is going to make a mistake once in awhile (SOMETIMES THE CALLER EVEN MAKES ONE)

Don’t worry about whose fault it was. It doesn’t matter. Keep smiling, regroup quickly, form a line and wait until the rest of the dancers are in a line, then start with the next call. There is a saying “If you make enough mistakes, buy some equipment and become a caller”.

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Jump right up when the music starts, get in the first open square, introduce yourself, smile and have fun. Thank everyone in your square when the tip is over.

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DO be aware at all times that square dancing is a recreation rather than a completion.

DO keep smiling even if you are angry with yourself for “goofing”. The other seven people in the set might think you are frowning at them.

DO recognize your corner, not only what they are wearing, but who they are. Next to your partner they are most important person in your square.

DO be quiet and attentive to the caller during the instructions even though you know what he is trying to explain. Perhaps someone else in your set needs to be briefed.

DO wear proper Square Dance Attire – long sleeves for men, full skirts for ladies.

DO remember to treat all ladies as yo would want other men to treat your wife. The ladies always seem to treat other men a little gentler than their own spouse.

DO wear a name badge at all times. It might surprise some of the oldsters t learn that they are not as ‘well known or important as they think they are t others.

DO accept or admit you “goofed” this time. Next time it could be someone Else’s turn so don’t feel bad. And when you “goof”, goof gracefully and try to recover the best you can in order to save the set from breaking up entirely TRY TO KEEP DANCING.

DO remember where your place in the square (sides, heads,I,2,3,4 couple) DO end each dance with a flourish, applause and tanks to all in the set and mean it.

DO support a club as a dues paying member. The life blood of the square dance picture flow through this avenue and is the backbone of the recreation If everyone was a free loader, there would be no way to pay the bills.

DO make it a practice to thank guest for coming, the caller for his efforts, and the club president where you are visiting. In general, thank everyone who help make your evening a pleasant one.

DO pretend to be having a good time even if you are bored. Perhaps the other seven are thoroughly enjoying themselves. If you want a real challenge, try dancing with the seven weakest dancers. Maybe you are good enough get them through.

DO take your turn at responsibilities in the Square Dance picture as officers in a club, on the serving committee, in any way that you can help others rather than be catered to always.

CAUTION: Don’t take a club office until you have danced at least a year.

THE LAST DO: Always thank the caller at the end of the dance. His pay is not the small amount of money he receives but the pleasure he sees as you enjoy yourself. Let him know if you had fun. DON’T be a competitive dancer. Don’t try to out do the others.

DON’T be over exuberant. Your yells might drown out the caller’s next command for everyone around you . Learn to be “noisy” at the right intervals: IE. during a Right and Left Grand but not on the Allemande Left or during an Allemande Thar patter and not at the change of command point.

DON’T be a “know-it-all”. Let the caller be the instructor unless you are asked personally after the tip is over.

DON’T cut in or out of a set unless you know how. If you are cut out, leave gracefully.

DON’T be guilty of “horse-play” unless you know the set would not be offended, or the club.

DON’T take that extra swing with your partner. It might make her late for the next left allemande with her waiting

DON’T forget to trade a dance, especially with a guest. And don’t overlook the caller’s wife. She might like to dance rather than sit all the time. At least ask her.

DON’T sit like a bump on a log when another couple is needed for a set. If you want to sit out a tip, disappear into the wash room or some place where you are not seen. But don’t disappear if you think your partner may square expecting you to join the set.

DON’T cry about the hall, the sound, the crowd, the floor. Think positive thoughts so others around you aren’t effected. They might be having the be time ever.

DON’T spin or twirl the ladies unless you know she likes it. Let her decide if she wants that extra twirl. No one ever got a sore arm by not spinning.

DON’T set up squares to go out on the dance floor. If you are sincere about dancing with friends in the same set , stand across from each other and allow any two couples to join you that happen to come along.

DON’T insist on dancing YOUR way when visiting other areas. If these people dance palms up in the alamo, go along with it. If they do or do not stir the bucket, do as the Romans do but keep your opinions to yourself unless asked.

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Flyers will be available at your class telling you when and where New Dancer Hoedowns are being held. The flyer will state the level of the dance. You can tell if you are dancing the level by checking with your instructor or the list of calls located in this booklet. All the New Dancer Hoedowns in our area will be at the level you are dancing. However, if you attend a dance outside our area, be sure to check the level to insure that you can dance all the calls to be used. If the caller uses calls beyond the advertised level, then it isn’t your fault. If you go to a dance beyond your level and the square breaks down, then it will be your fault. Some experienced dancers will say “Come on, we will PULL you through.” Don’t go. You don’t want to be “pulled” all night, do you?

You will find that you learn a lot at a hoedown. This is the time you can practice and learn to react to the calls. This is the time to enjoy, with less pressure, what you have worked so hard to learn during lessons. Have FUN at Hoedowns. That is what they are for.


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C.C.S.D.A: California Square Dancer Association. All the square dance clul from Merced, Tracy, Twain Harte, Groverland, Modesto, Manteca, Turlock ; Don Pedro, Hughson, Oakdale, Columbia , Mariposa, Copperopolis, Murphys, Ceres Sonora have joined together to form an association. Representatives from the various clubs meet once a month to share ideas, coordinate activities and in general work for the GOOD of square dancing. It sponsors two festivals per year and publish the Promenader. At the present they’re 21 sq. dance clubs, 5 round dance clubs, 1 clogger club and 1 trailer club.

CALIFORNIA SQUARE DANCE Council. All the associations (like CCSDA) in the state join together to deal with issue of state wide concerns in square dancing. The Presidents of the various associations meet regularly. The state council hold one major festival per year called the State Convention. Ever other year the convention is held in a southern state city. The following yea it is held in a northern state city. NATIONAL SQUARE DANCE COUNCIL: The representatives from the various- State Councils in the U.S. and others meet and promote square dancing on the national level. They hold a National Convention once per year in various cities in the U.S.

FESTIVAL : Usually a three day event from Friday night to Sunday with multi programs; sq. dancing, rounds, clogging, contra, western swing, etc. (Same as National and State Conventions)

WING DING: A three day festival held in Turlock in March sponsored by C. C.S.D.A.

COUP OF GOLD: A three day festival held in Sonora in June sponsored by C.C . S.D.A. The profits from these two festivals are used to operate the Association and promote square dancing.

CLASSES: Usually refers to those new to square or round dances, but can refer to concentrated learning of a new program. THE EMPHASIS IS ON LEARNING. WORKSHOP: Local clubs meet to learn and practice various calls and routines. More emphases is on practice and enjoying dancing with other club members.

HOEDOWNS OR DANCES OR PARTY NIGHTS: The meaning is basically the same for all. Dancers from all clubs are invited to dance together. The emphases is on dancing. Very little if any teaching is done. Dancers are encouraged to check the level of the dance and not dance “over their head”.

CALLERLAB: An organization of callers from allover the world. It has no jurisdiction over local callers, and is not necessary for a caller to belong to the organization to call. CALLERLAB , has a convention once a year in vario cities of the u.s. There is no dancing at this convention. Members meet to coordinate and share ideas, make suggestions and recommendations concerning square dancing. CALLERLAB been responsible for establishing levels of dance so dancer~ ” can dance the same movements anywhere in the world. At the present there are the BASIC, MAINSTREAM, PLUS , ADVANCED 1 & 2, AND CHALLENGE PROGRAMS.

ROUNDALAB: Exactly the same as CALLERLAB except for round dancing. A the present the round dancers call their programs PHASES. There are six the present, each progressing with difficulty dance steps.

BMI AND ASCAP: Licensing agents for those that write and record music. It is necessary for callers and/or the club to be licensed by BMI AND ASCAP , use the songs and music for square anI round dancing. A club or sponsoring agency can be held liable for a very heavy find if the club or their caller and cuer is not licensed. The cost is between $100 and $200 per year.

INSURANCE: For a fee you can buy insurance to cover you while at a dance. This is secondary insurance after YOUR primary.


To read up on all of the old members, click this Link and reminisce.

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Bringing Young People into the Square Dance Activity…

Teens in our Square Dance activity.

Over the years, as a Kiwanis member and adviser to young people, I have noticed several points, that maybe we could use to attract young adults into Square Dancing, which is often thought of as an “old people activity”.
Lets explore some ideas as to why.

I think it’s kinda simple: We try to get them to do what “we” are doing and, in so doing, they resist. As a rule, we are always trying to get others to do what we are doing, probably more for the companionship than to grow the activity. Birds of a feather flock together I am told. I’m not to sure if its a matter of safety in numbers, or a simple human emotion, it’s that need for companionship… Or maybe both, that we humans tend to come together as a group.

Is it that simple? Since the beginning of time, young adults have had an innate desire to pull away from their roots, to wander off and strike out on their own. Young people have traditionally experimented with new “things”, sometimes just to be different. It’s in their DNA. Teenagers are constantly looking for something to differentiate themselves from their elders. It seems that good clean fun runs contrary to a teens natural urge to have fun. The fun is in doing something differently.

We have all observed in movies and various media, where the youngster does not want to be seen having the parent “drop them off” in front of the school. Obviously the teenager’s peers can see the atrocity of being dependent on an elder to get to school. Think about it…. Independence is the key here.

Perhaps Square Dancing needs to be setup as “Forbidden Fruit” where the simple act of “Temptation” will draw in the young crowd. I believe, that to attract young people into the square dance atmosphere, it would be good to set up a competition and have young people “qualify” by their peers to join such a wholesome activity. Just how to qualify, needs to be explored.

Perhaps we adults should use reverse psychology on them? (You may have heard of the negative sell?) Since the natural tendency for a teen is to do the opposite, why not give them what they want to hear?

“You can’t do that!”
“Square Dancing is to complicated for the younger Generation!”
“You’re not socially ready to learn to Square Dance!”
“Can you handle being socially intimate with 7 other people in the square?”
“Working together to accomplish a group task is beyond the Teen mind!”

From most of the previous statements, we all know that young people can outdo us in the speed of mind and body. (though, not experience.)  But the opportunity of learning proper social skills in a group activity is uppermost here.

Young adults have the same problems as teens, but add in the element of not enough time, either looking to higher education or just busy trying to make a living.

As adults, we may see (with all of our wisdom) a complete social and family atmosphere, whereby the “Teen” sees it as being dependent on someone older for their personal enjoyment and not able to try new things just to be different. AND… In our parental sub conscience, we are thinking that we need to “control them for their own good”. (as any good parent would think)

In the Kiwanis Club of Merced, we have young adult groups that flourish at all levels of school. The Key Club or the KIWIN Clubs are sub sets of the Adult Kiwanis clubs in High Schools. The Senior members of the Kiwanis clubs set up an atmosphere of having young people learn to govern themselves as the actual activity that we promote. Kids flock to join because the organization is made up of their peers. Leadership is elected from within their peer group and the required Kiwanis members in attendance are only there as a mentors for proper guidance.

As a youngster, I learned to Square Dance while I was a Jr. in High School. The local college Square Dance club, “The Poly Twirlers”, had lessons which were open to the public. I joined (a no brainer for me). In my Senior year, I started learning to call. The year after I had graduated High School, I became the Caller for the Poly Twirlers.

Since the Poly Twirlers was a College Club activity, there was the required adviser (who by-the-way, was a Square Dancer) that was responsible for club guidance. The club itself was run by existing members of the Poly Twirlers. Independence was the key theme here.
As “Poly Twirlers”, we were independent and enjoyed our peer companionship. When we decided to visit any other club, no matter the age group, we felt the common peer companionship at any other club we visited.

I would like to round out the above thoughts and examples by suggesting that we revisit how we might approach a segment of our population that could benefit greatly by our guidance in their development into adulthood. I know I did when I was young.

I am looking for ideas, possibly using some of the concepts above to help this along. More than likely, youngsters, will never join a group with adults. It is more likely to happen if the group is comprised of their peers. A separate club sponsored by any given single club or association, such as the local service organizations have done for their sponsored youth.

Keep in mind, for our activity to continue into the future, our youth must bring it up with them. For Square Dance to survive, we must teach our young what it is, and to enjoy it. Bring any ideas up with me and if we can start something, please volunteer to help any way you can.

A list of advantages for Teens: Group dating atmosphere – Learn social skills – Keeps the mind busy in a positive and constructive way while dancing – Promotes healthy conversations – Safe environment to gather socially – Chaperoned – Physical exercise – Western Facsimile of dress is fun to emulate. – Long term coordination and muscle memory exercises that will help young people into their future, such as balance and positional awareness. (A learned skill that Square Dancing has to offer.)

My Happy Place!

By Dave Brown

My past two articles concentrated on bringing in new dancers.  This month, however, I would like to share how I personally became involved in this great activity, hopefully giving you additional ideas when you are inclined to ask someone to join us.

First, I would like to explain the word “Feel”.  This is an emotional state of thinking. “I feel good!” I feel good while I participate in the activity of Square Dancing. It is ”My Happy Place,” as stated by one dancer, and I agree. I am so busy while dancing, that I forget the problems of my day. I learned this quickly as I enjoyed dancing with friends.  Add in the excitement and satisfaction of completing a series of moves or calls to a left allemande, there is just nothing better than being in “My Happy Place.”

As my personality goes, I look forward to the touch that Square Dancing has to offer by the people I consider friends. (see last month’s article)  Touch comes in different forms, not just the physical touch of eight people in a square exchanging hands with synergistic movements of cooperation for an exhilarating experience. (now there’s a mouthful!) There is also the social touch which occurs by coming into close proximity, not necessarily physical touch, with other people, as well as exchanging thoughts and experiences from different dances, clubs and callers.

As one learns the art of Square Dancing, a sense of accomplishment builds. As your skill level rises and friendships develop, confidence and self worth rises. Think about when you first came into Square Dancing. How did you feel? (that word again) You were probably a little lost not realizing the possibilities of family you were coming into.

I was brought up on a farm and didn’t get out much socially, well… basically none while growing up. Needless to say, my social skills were not developed beyond the farm. As a result, I was very withdrawn.  Not too many people know that in High School, I was voted the most shy male in my class. As a Junior in High School, a girl friend offered to pick me up to attend the club class by the Poly Twirlers at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo and we learned to Square Dance.

I was introduced to “Touch” in a way that I had never experienced before. THIS WAS FUN! I was bitten by the bug and attended the various dances within the county in the early 70’s where I was able to accelerate the development of my social skills while my self-confidence grew.  Wow! What the perfect dating atmosphere!

Encouragement to learn to call came from a Lady caller, Peggy Rentz, at the Square Pegs Square Dance Club. By my Senior year, I was learning to call. After my High School graduation, the caller at that time left the Poly Twirlers, and I was able to step in and become the caller for the club.

Now, I’m not saying that everyone should become a caller, but it should be noted, many a dancer experienced the same social builders as I have with very positive results.

There were enough clubs at that time to have two to choose from every day/night of the week. It was not uncommon to dance continuously for two or three months in a row for me. That was every day, 60 to 90 or more days in a row! Growing up and coming from the farm, I must have been craving the social touch that only Square Dancing could give. To this day, I have many friendships that I visit as a result of my time involved from that era.

I talk about “Touch” here, and in past articles to let you in on what seems to be a well kept secret of our activity. Most people on the outside seem to relate to Square Dancing as an activity that they cannot do, rather than the opportunity to develop long lasting relationships that satisfy our needs to “Touch Someone.”  In my article on “Touch, Experience It!” ( I attempt to explain how to recruit using this concept.

Because of political correctness, please refrain from using the word “touch” in your recruitment conversation, knowing that your prospect, while learning to Square Dance, will discover when touched physically and socially, that this is where they will want to be.

What Is Your Elevator Pitch?

What Is Your Elevator Pitch?
By Dave Brown

You are in an elevator, and you have 30 seconds to recruit someone for Square Dancing. What would you say that would convince that someone to join you in your favorite activity?

We call that an Elevator Pitch. To be effective on the fly, one needs to think fast. I don’t know anyone that can think on the fly that fast. OK… maybe a couple of people in my lifetime, but it’s very rare.

At this point, you don’t have enough time to “Get To Know, Like and Trust” anyone to develop a relationship. (in 30 seconds?) You must use an alternate tactic. To be properly executed, you should set up everything ahead of time, know what you’re going to say, and have props ready to hand out… After all, you have only 30 seconds.

Throughout our daily routines and activities, we tend to cross paths with many people, all the way from within the proverbial elevator, to your doctor, to showing the plumber where the pipe is leaking. All of these people can be prospects for Square Dancing. How do we appeal to them without turning them off, but instead to develop a curiosity?

In actual terms of our time, it is worth writing a well thought out script and memorizing it. Contrast this with the time a person spends on tripping over his/her words as the potential prospect spits back “I had to do that in school and I didn’t like it.” (The number 1 excuse told to me).

I have put up a web site, “”. This site is designed to sell your prospect when they are able to spend more time in the privacy of their home “checking it out”. The real trick here, is to get someone to go to the web site in their leisure time. I use a special business card that I had printed, where the word “TUIT” is in the center of a black circle on the front side of the card. When I’m in line somewhere, I start a conversation with small chit-chat and segway into showing the “Round TUIT” card to my prospect. As I hand it to them, I very deliberately say “Now, don’t let it be said that you never got a round TUIT”, then release it into their fingers. They usually laugh in realization of what they got. As I’m walking away, I say “Oh, By the way, the web address on the back is my hobby, have fun.” as I leave. The key here, is to never tell them what the hobby is. Let curiosity and the web site do the “Selling”.

As a second example of where this can be used is: I’m at a counter facing someone helping me in a store, and I’ll say… “Want to have some fun?”, as I show the Round TUIT card, “can you figure what this says?” I can draw this out by waiting for them to answer, or finish it for them to hurry up the card hand off for your walk away, leaving them with a smile.

Since I’m done in line by that point, we part ways. There is a better chance that the prospect will go home and look it up, than you, getting them to a beginner class a month away with only a short 30 second contact time. The card usually goes home with your prospect, because it was kind of a cool joke that can be played on someone else. With it’s novelty, it may hang around the desk at home for awhile and at least have a chance to be visited at a later date.

Contact me at any dance for more information. I may have some cards in my back pocket to show you, as I am constantly handing them out where ever I go.

God’s Own Official Guide to Locating Everything

In ancient Israel , it came to pass that a trader by the name of Abraham Com did take unto himself a healthy young wife by the name of Dorothy. (Dot)

Dot Com was a comely woman, large of breast, broad of shoulder, and long of leg. Indeed, she was often called Amazon Dot Com.

And she said unto Abraham, her husband, “Why dost thou travel so far from town to town with thy goods when thou canst trade without ever leaving thy tent?”

And Abraham did look at her as though she were several saddle bags short of a camel load, but simply said, “How, dear?”

And Dot replied, “I will place drums in all the towns and drums in between to send messages saying what you have for sale, and they will reply telling you who hath the best price. The sale can be made on the drums and delivery made by Uriah’s Pony Stable (UPS).”

Abraham thought long and decided he would let Dot have her way with the drums.

And the drums rang out and were an immediate success. Abraham sold all the goods he had at the top price, without ever having to move from his tent.

To prevent neighboring countries from overhearing what the drums were saying, Dot devised a system that only she and the drummers knew. It was known as Must Send Drum Over Sound (MSDOS), and she also developed a language to transmit ideas and pictures – Hebrew To The People (HTTP).

And the young men did take to Dot Com’s trading as doth the greedy horsefly take to camel dung. They were called Nomadic Ecclesiastical Rich Dominican Sybarites, or NERDS.

And lo, the land was so feverish with joy at the new riches and the deafening sound of drums that no one noticed that the real riches were going to that enterprising drum dealer, Brother William of Gates, who bought off every drum maker in the land. Indeed he did insist on drums to be made that would work only with Brother Gates’ drumheads and drumsticks.

And Dot did say, “Oh, Abraham, what we have started is being taken over by others.”

And Abraham looked out over the Bay of Ezekiel, or eBay as it came to be known.

He said, “We need a name that reflects what we are.”

And Dot replied, “Young Ambitious Hebrew Owner Operators.”

“YAHOO,” said Abraham.

And because it was Dot’s idea, they named it YAHOO Dot Com.

Abraham’s cousin, Joshua, being the young Gregarious Energetic Educated Kid (GEEK) that he was, soon started using Dot’s drums to locate things around the countryside.

It soon became known as God’s Own Official Guide to Locating Everything (GOOGLE).

That is how it all began.

And that’s the truth.

Note: Author unknown. Sometimes you find a real Gem out there in the Internet Wild!